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Email Marketing for Financial Advisors

Email Marketing for Financial Advisors

Email marketing best practices every financial advisor should know

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Email marketing is one of the most inexpensive marketing tools financial advisors can leverage, plus in some or most cases, it can be repurposed into a blog post for your website. Crafting powerful copy and emails is more than just stringing words together – it's an art that can make or break your message. This blog post will share craft compelling subject lines and headlines and email templates that grab attention and resonate with your target audience, making your financial advisory services stand out. Whether aiming to attract new prospects, engage with your audience, or establish your brand, understanding the nuances of effective copywriting and email marketing can set you apart in a crowded field.

1. Tailoring Your Messages to Your Unique Market

tailoring your message, unique market

Tailoring your message is the cornerstone of effective communication for the financial services industry and advisor marketing. It underscores the importance of aligning your message with your target audience's needs, aspirations, and concerns. Everyone is inundated with information, and reaching your ideal clients requires a nuanced understanding of their world. It involves creating messages that resonate with their financial goals, addressing pain points, and presenting solutions in a language they understand and appreciate.

Before you craft a marketing email, ask yourself:

  • What are your market's wants?
  • What are the biggest pain points to achieving their wants?
  • What makes your services unique?
  • Where do they get information?
  • What tone and style resonate with your audience?
  • What action do I want them to take?

This principle goes beyond generic advertising and dives deep into personalization. It must thoroughly encapsulate your market's demographics, psychographics, and behavioral patterns. The more accurately you can tailor your message to match the unique characteristics of your audience, the more compelling and relatable it becomes. A successful message not only grabs attention but also establishes a connection, positioning you as a financial advisor who genuinely understands and caters to the distinct needs of your clients.

2. Headlines: Captivating Prospects and Boosting Engagement

headlines, financial advisors, email marketing, email marketing strategy

Crafting irresistible headlines is necessary to break through the noise and capture the attention of your target audience. A compelling headline is the front door to your message, alluring prospects to step inside and discover the value you offer. 

Take, for instance, the headline:

 "Unlock the Secrets to Financial Freedom: 5 Strategies Every Investor Should Know." 

This headline creates curiosity and addresses a universal desire for financial independence, making it attractive to potential clients. Effective headlines often tap into the emotional triggers and aspirations of your audience. 

Consider the impact of a headline:

"Secure Your Retirement Dreams: A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Peace of Mind." 

Here, the emphasis on securing retirement dreams appeals to the emotional concern for a comfortable future, making it more likely to resonate with individuals navigating their financial journey. By creating headlines that align with the target market's dreams, fears, and aspirations, you create a powerful connection that encourages them to read more of your message, setting the stage for meaningful engagement.

Email headline examples:

  • Who else is looking for [XYZ]?
  • Creating a social proof strategy that implies there is already an existing consensus desire.
  • Secret of the [XYZ]
  • You are sharing insider knowledge and translating it into a benefit for your target audience.
  • Here is a step-by-step method for helping [XYZ] to [XYZ]
  • By identifying your target audience's desire, you can provide some benefits.
  • Little-known ways around [XYZ]
  • Mimicking the “secret” headline example can create the allure of insider knowledge education.
  • Solve [pain point] for good
  • This identifies the pain point and will provide a solution.
  • The quickest way to [solve pain point]
  • Another enticing headline to solve a prospective client problem
  • Now you can have your [cake][and eat it]
  • You are using something desirable to your audience and helping them achieve a great outcome.
  • Do [XYZ] like [Someone]
  • “Be like Mike” was the most successful campaign to utilize this type of headline. We all aspire to be like the greats, or in this case, invest and retire like a millionaire. 
  • What you should know about [XYZ]
  • Creating curiosity can draw the reader in.

3. Utilizing Bullet Points

bullet points, email marketing, financial advisors, email marketing strategy

Bullet points act as your secret weapon, offering a concise and visually appealing way to highlight key benefits and draw your audience to the heart of your message. These miniature headlines serve as signposts, guiding readers through the essential points of your content and keeping them focused on the benefits that matter most to them.

When it comes to crafting effective bullet points, there are five cardinal rules:

  • Each bullet point should express a clear benefit and make a promise to the reader

They encourage quick reading and the ability to scan the article for precise details they may be looking for.

  • Maintaining symmetry in your bullet points enhances readability. 

Each bullet point should have the same content as a subcategory or no content under it.

  • Avoid bullet clutter

There is no need to clutter the entire email with bullet points; provide the reader with concise information.

  • Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Have each bullet point resemble the last, creating related groups, using the same speech, and maintaining the same form.

  • Bullet points are not necessarily sentences

Stick to paragraph format if you can write a full sentence with the content. Keep it short and sweet. 

More Bullet Points

Think of bullet points like lights on a Christmas tree. They are flashy, create curiosity, and add a touch of sparkle. Like the lights attracting attention and creating a festive glow, a well-crafted bullet point is an attention-grabbing element in your financial advisory email marketing efforts.

The “How” Statement

Rather than simply stating facts, incorporating "how" adds a layer of intrigue, inviting the reader to envision the practical application of the information. Consider the difference between “Take your RMDs" and "How and when to take RMDs." The latter not only communicates the action but also sparks curiosity about the methodology behind it.

Complete Synopsis

Take your entire message and split it into distinct sections. Each bullet point should represent a new piece of information and entice engagement. An example of this bullet point usage is:

  1. How to tailor your message to your ideal client
  2. How to create captivating headlines
  3. How to maximize bullet points
  4. How to create urgency in your message
  5. How to use powerful words

Take your product/service, split it into five to seven parts, and pull the most important details highlighting the features and benefits. Take those highlights and put a “why” or “how” before each one. And now you have a collection of fascinating bullet points. 

4. Creating Urgency

creating urgency in email marketing for financial advisors

Urgency instills a sense of immediacy, prompting prospective clients to take action promptly. Decisions in the financial advisor market often involve strategic planning and future considerations. Injecting a sense of urgency can propel potential clients from contemplation to decisive action.

As we discussed, one effective way to infuse urgency into your email marketing campaign is through your headlines.  Phrases like "What Recent Market Volatility Means to Your Retirement Accounts,” Secure Your Financial Future Now," or "Exclusive Opportunity: Secrets to Replace Your Paycheck In Retirement" signal to your audience that your presenting benefits are time-sensitive.

Incorporating a countdown element can also enhance the urgency factor. If you're hosting an educational event or dinner seminar, clearly stating the number of available slots or the time remaining creates a visual representation of urgency. For instance, "Only 10 Spots Left! Register Before [Date]" adds a tangible sense of scarcity that can motivate individuals to respond promptly.

Emphasizing that certain perks or bonuses are available for early responders reinforces the idea that ‘time is of the essence.’ Phrases like "Act Now for Exclusive Access" or "Early Registrants Receive Extra Benefits" communicate that those who act promptly will enjoy additional advantages.

Creating urgency is not just a marketing tactic; it's a psychological trigger that taps into the human inclination to act decisively when faced with time constraints. By strategically weaving urgency into your marketing messages, you compel your audience to prioritize and take the necessary steps promptly, fostering a more dynamic and responsive engagement with your financial advisory services.

5. Using Power Words that Create Engagement and Enthusiasm

powerful words in email marketing strategy for financial advisors

Powerful words can instantly elevate your message and grab your audience's attention. These words possess a magnetic quality, sparking curiosity and igniting interest. When used correctly in headlines, bullet points, or closing offers, powerful words catalyze engagement, urging readers to act. Precision and impact matter, and incorporating these powerful words can unlock heightened responsiveness and get the outcome you are looking for.

Example of Power Words:

Improve | Trust | Immediately |  Discover | Profit  | Learn | Know | Understand | Powerful

Best Win | More | Bonus | Exclusive | Extra | You | Free | Health | Guarantee | New

Proven | Safety | Money | Now | Today | Results | Protect | Help | Easy | Amazing

Extraordinary | How to | Worst | Ultimate | Hot | First | Big | Anniversary | Premiere

Basic | Complete | Save | Plus | Create | Latest

NOTE: When using these power words in an email, remember that some may trigger spam filters. Putting “Free” in a subject line could send your message to spam.

Foolproof Email Templates

email templates for email marketing, email marketing campaigns

Your email needs to effectively overcome your readers' resistance, compelling them to take the desired action. Whether you're engaging with them face-to-face or through written correspondence, the approach to addressing resistance remains consistent. 

  • “You don’t understand my problem”
  • “How do I know you’re qualified?”
  • “I don’t believe you”
  • “I don’t need it right now”
  • “It won’t work for me”
  • “What happens if I don’t like it?”
  • “I can’t afford it”

Successful marketing emails confront and alleviate various objections that may arise. This template skillfully addresses each objection, employing a strategic and methodical sequence of copywriting techniques to counteract concerns and effectively boost the message's persuasiveness.

  • Get attention
  • Identify the problem
  • Provide the solution
  • Present your credentials
  • Show the benefits
  • Give social proof
  • Make your offer
  • Use powerful words
  • Inject scarcity
  • Give a guarantee - be sure to check with Compliance 
  • Call to action
  • Give a warning
  • Close with a reminder

Email Template 1: Follow-up

Follow-up #1 – The Positive Path

Achieve Financial Growth.  Minimize Market Risks

  • Securely Grow Your Wealth Without Stock Market Gambles
  • Safeguard Your Retirement Without Committing to an Annuity

Follow-up #2 Unveiling the Facts about [XYZ]

Revealing the Realities of [XYZ]

  • Uncovering the Reality of Variable Annuities: What Advisors Won't Tell You
  • Exposing the Truth About Mutual Funds: The Hidden Fees You Pay

Follow-up #3 Navigating [XYZ] Challenges

Navigating Turbulence: What to Do If [XYZ]

  • Strategies for Stock Market Volatility 
  • Your Playbook For The Biggest Risk to Your Retirement.

Follow-up #4 The Myth of [XYZ]

It is particularly effective when there's a shared misconception. Can be coupled

with a tagline for greater impact.

  • Debunking the Variable Annuity Myth: How Advisors Profit.
  • The Medical Tax Illusion: Avoiding Unnecessary Healthcare Costs

Follow-up #5 A Straightforward Appeal

Highly effective for honest discussions about a problem and its solution.

  • A Candid Letter to Retirees Concerned About Their Financial Future
  • A Sincere Message to Main Street about Wall Street and Big Banks
  • A Heartfelt Note to Investors Coping With [ABC] and [XYZ]

Follow-up #6 Call To Action

"Declare War" against a person or group (common enemy) or a prevalent problem.

  • The Financial Experts Were Wrong, and Here's Why!
  • What Big Banks Won’t Tell You - Hidden Fees Unmasked

Follow-up #7 Revealing the Truth

It is especially effective when addressing a significant problem.

  • Unveiling the Critical Flaw with [XYZ]
  • Exposing Retirement Planning Secrets Kept by Advisors
  • Laying Bare the Tactics Advertisers Use to Extract Your Money

Follow-up #8 On a Mission

It is an excellent approach for moving towards and away from (best with a narrative).

  • Join the Cause for/against [XYZ]
  • Is ESG investing right for you?

Follow-up #9 The Heartfelt Narrative

Stories highlighting common problems or goals, with an offer tied in at the end.

  • Witnessing the Relief in My Client's Eyes as They Secured Their Retirement
  • Cherishing Family Values and Taking Control of Financial Futures

Helpful Follow-up Tips:

  • Employ these angles to connect with prospects and lead them to your valuable content.
  • Use them for educating, informing, inspiring, and building goodwill.
  • Apply these approaches in goodwill content, YouTube videos, social media, and blog posts.
  • You don't need all 9; the key is a strategic follow-up to maximize success.
  • The fortune lies in consistent and thoughtful follow-up!
  • Be authentic!  Only use the ones you are comfortable and confident with.

Email Template 2: Cold Prospects

"Could you use Some Assistance" Email:

Subject line examples:

“Still need help?”

"Do You Still Need Some Assistance?"

"Have you [XYZ] yet?"

"Are you still [XYZ]?"

NOTE: This is intended for cold leads with whom you've had no prior conversation.


We noticed you [XYZ] recently, and since we haven't connected with you, we wanted to follow up. Do you still need [XYZ] assistance or any other retirement aspect?

Simply click "Reply" and let us know your needs and concerns. The more details you provide, the better we can assess how we might assist you or guide you in the right direction. Don't forget to include your phone number so we can reach you. And rest assured, there's no need to worry about high-pressure sales tactics – that's not our style.

We're here to help, and we don't want to be a bother. However, we also don't want to leave you hanging. Assisting you is quite literally our job :)

Best regards,

John Smith
Independent Financial Advisor, ABC Wealth Management

"Still Interested?" Email:

Subject line examples: 

“Still interested?”

“Have not heard back”

NOTE: Suitable for "tire-kicker" prospects who haven't responded to calls or emails.


I haven't received a response from you, and that tells me one of three things:

  • You've decided that [XYZ] isn't the right fit for you, and that's perfectly okay.
  • You're still interested in [XYZ], but you've been busy. If so, let's connect now to make things happen.
  • You're being chased by a T-Rex*. Let me know if that's the case so I can send help!

Regardless, please inform me of your situation. Thank you!


John Smith
Independent Financial Advisor, ABC Wealth Management

NOTE: Insert something light-hearted or amusing (e.g., "You've fallen and can't get up")—appropriateness is key.

Email Template 3: Auto Responder Building Trust Email Template

This will be a sequential email campaign to gain trust through the emails. This can be used as an auto responder when a prospect fills a form (whether a general form or whitepaper). These should be spaced out at least one day apart. If you believe every other day is too much, you can space them out and adjust the phrasing in the email templates. Sending too many emails can send them to Spam or have the user send you to the junk folder. 

MESSAGE #1 – Welcome Email: Introduction

From: [Your Name] - [Your Company]

Subj: Get Your Variable Annuity Guide

Hey there, I'm  [Your Name, the Founder and President of  [Your Company]. Welcome to our family!

At  [Your Company], we specialize in assisting [INSERT TARGET AUDIENCE] with [WHAT YOU DO], empowering them to achieve [END BENEFIT]. We're genuinely thrilled and grateful that you've chosen to join us.

This is a game-changer for securing your retirement, no matter your stage. Here's what you can expect from us:

We'll share fresh retirement content on our website, emailing you a brief overview of each article and why it matters, along with a link to the full read.

You'll also receive emails about new [Your Company] resources, but only after we've vetted them. Sound good? Great! Take the first step:

Download The Truth About Variable Annuities: 8 Cautionary Warnings That You MUST Be Aware Of

Inside, you'll find crucial information you need BEFORE considering any annuity. Packed with insights like:

  • Is your money safe in a variable annuity?
  • 8 vital warnings every investor MUST know.
  • How to uncover hidden fees within the prospectus.
  • When it makes sense to own a variable annuity (and when it doesn't).
  • The Top 10 Questions To Ask About Your Variable Annuity

Grab it now!

Talk soon,

John Smith
Independent Financial Advisor, ABC Wealth Management

P.S. As a bonus, I'll send you my "best of the best" articles and resources. Tomorrow, you'll get the first of the "big three" about how we evaluate [XYZ].

Stay tuned—it's going to be good.

See you tomorrow…

P.P.S. If you have a second, we'd love to know:

  • Why did you request our report?
  • What can we do to help you solve your biggest problem right now?

Just reply to this email, and I'll read and respond to all my emails.

MESSAGE #2 – Building Trust

From: [Your Name] - [Your Company]

Subj: Your Guide Is Ready + [A Personal Note]

I promised to send you one of our three most popular articles and resources…

But before I do, I want to ensure you've downloaded the requested report.

And let me introduce myself:

[Insert photo of yourself here]

That's me, [Your Name].

[Insert Personal, interesting story here]

Now that we're not strangers anymore check this out:

[LINK# 1]

I promise this insightful article will be helpful and reveal [XYZ].

Download and read it now because there's more coming tomorrow.

Talk soon,

[Your Name]

Founder and President

[Your Company]

P.S. I changed my mind, and since I like to under-promise and over-deliver, here's your second report today. (It pays to read these messages from beginning to END.) :)

Here you go:

[LINK# 2]

Your third resource will hit your inbox tomorrow, so watch for this subject line: "Here's your 3rd gift."

MESSAGE #3 – Trust

From: [Your Name] - [Your Company]

Subj: Here’s Your 3rd Gift + [Valuable Insight]

Yesterday, you received:

Gift #1: [Description of LINK #1.]

Gift #2: [Description of LINK #2.]

...along with a picture of me [Your Name].

So if you missed those, you might want to do a quick search in your inbox for this subject line: 

"Here's your gift (as promised)."

Now that you're caught back up, check this out:


I saved the best for last, showing you how you can [XYZ].

This is undoubtedly the most valuable/disturbing resource we've uncovered, so I know you'll want to read it.

What are you waiting for? Read it now!

Talk soon,

[Your Name]

Founder and President

[Your Company]

P.S. If you've enjoyed these messages, good news! I send out more content like this, so more valuable resources are coming your way.

You can also access all my archived resources here:


If you have any questions about the report and resources I've sent, please reply to this email, and I'll do my best to answer them.

MESSAGE #4 – Follow-up

From: [Your Name]

Subj: Do you need help?

NOTE: Send it to cold leads you have not had a conversation with yet.


Recently, you requested to download our Retire Ready Playbook, and I wanted to follow up to see if you need help.

Just click “Reply” and let me know how I can assist. The more specific you are, the better we can determine if we can help or point you in the right direction.

Also, include your phone number so I can reach you. And as always, there's no high-pressure sales pitch or anything like that. I don't want to be a pest, but I also don't want to leave you hanging—it's my job to help :)


John Smith
Independent Financial Advisor, ABC Wealth Management

P.S. For your convenience, I'm granting you access to my calendar. Select a time that works for you by clicking the link below:

[Click Here to Reserve Your Time Slot On My Calendar]

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Brookstone also offers an exclusive lead generation program through the Retirement Wealth Academy to enhance financial advisor marketing efforts and to build brand recognition and visibility. Brookstone advisors can access various marketing materials to support their advisory practice effectively. To learn about our complete capabilities, visit to see our all-in-one practice advisor growth platform.

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